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Our consultants


Our consultants collaborate with clients to deliver results and competitiveness. We work in teams, together with our clients, to solve the strategic issues they have. We look at facts, provide analytical insights, frame hypotheses, develop recommendations, and successfully present them to our client leading executives.
In order to provide this expertise to our clients, we rely on a team of proven professionals, with outstanding track records as strategy consultants and unique personalities, backgrounds and interests.


A career with NeoFocus opens up outstanding opportunities to acquire hands-on experience with numerous business issues, and develop valuable techniques and skills to help you achieve your career goals.


We are committed to developing each of our consultants’ abilities through a continuous apprenticeship. Through your professional experience at NeoFocus, you will build on your strengths, learn new skills, and get an inside perspective on a broad range of industries and functional issues. You will learn to ask the right questions, to see the unseen answer, and to make it work for our clients. This happens through:

  • on-the-job experience, working collaboratively in project teams
  • open-ended discussions with team members
  • close contact with senior leaders
  • building relationships with a network of experienced peers and colleagues
  • constant feedback and mentoring
  • training

Your career-development will follow your progress, help you realize your leadership potential. Your personal mentor will coach you as you strive for the next level of performance.


We highly value international opportunities for both professional development and service to our clients. Project work often involves some traveling to meet a specific client need. Manyprojects involve international staffing to bring together a team with the right expertise for our clients. And for those who are interested, there are opportunities of international transfers to other regional offices.


Our offices have a challenging, friendly and supportive working environment with a strong international element in our work. We are highly competitive for our clients, but very supportive with each other.